Designing a Logo

on 20 June 0 Comment

Where to start?

How about LinkedIn Learning’s Graphic Design Tips & Tricks by John McWade – Logo design: Think Simple.  I appreciate how he articulates what is in the subconscious when we look at visuals.

While the video clip is only 3m40s, it will take me much longer than that to come up with a logo.  Stay tuned!


Edit: John also talks about Make a beautiful logo with off-the-shelf type.  I will go through font after font, and then I get fixated on one and I go yes, that’s it, and no, of course it’s not free, but that’s the one.

Lumiere Six is today’s winner!  Nice, modern, clean, with that slight twist on the N that evokes the line chart that was a source of inspiration. Love. Perfect.

Hello world!

on 20 June 0 Comment

Welcome back to 2000 as I’ve decided to start blogging again 🙂  As it was (see how I got that in there), it is all about what interests me at this time… in 2022, I’m all about Power BI, data visualization, workflows, automating everyday business tasks.  I’m no technical guru so these will be typical business requests that I’ve scoured the internet and social media for answers and inspiration. And perhaps those of you here who are not bots have other suggestions!

I also love tile (just completed a bathroom renovation!) and low maintenance gardening (lots of trials and errors – the weeds are a mighty force to be reckoned with), so you may find these in here as well.

First things first, and that’s designing a logo for ‘Talino’!