Note on the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence

on 23 February 0 Comment

Thank you to this post from Nicholas Thompson (The Atlantic) to share the Vatican’s view on Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence –

It is a most insightful, meaningful and comprehensive collection of thoughts on what AI means for serving human dignity and the common good, and the roles all of us play in designing the future.


And while you can use AI to digest this essay for you, I would encourage you to take time and read it with full human capabilities.


…human dignity and the common good must never be violated for the sake of efficiency, for “technological developments that do not lead to an improvement in the quality of life of all humanity, but on the contrary, aggravate inequalities and conflicts, can never count as true progress.” Instead, AI should be put “at the service of another type of progress, one which is healthier, more human, more social, more integral.


Therefore, the ends and the means used in a given application of AI, as well as the overall vision it incorporates, must all be evaluated to ensure they respect human dignity and promote the common good.


Saint John Paul II observed that “humanity now has instruments of unprecedented power: we can turn this world into a garden, or reduce it to a pile of rubble.”


Which world are you working towards?






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