Scott’s 5 Vacation House Rules
😎 It’s summer, perfect vacation time! If you can, a change of scenery does wonders. Inspiration and learning come from everywhere. And nothing beats being somewhere else than the office, whether it be at home or the office office.
And if you can’t go somewhere right now, get inspired from tv shows. I do watch a lot of crap tv, but I can still learn 🙂
What I really like are Scott’s 5 Vacation House Rules – so applicable to BI design!
- Do Your Research – understand your users and audience, know the data inside and out, what are the data points that will elicit action?
- Plan Your Design – how will your users interact with the report? will they view it on mobile or their laptop? will it be integrated in a powerpoint? do your users know how to enable the filter panel, use the slicers or drill through? be intentional with the design.
- Get Noticed – make sure people know about the report and give it that wow factor! doesn’t do any good if people can’t find it or aren’t even aware it exists. promote promote promote!
- Get Your Hands Dirty – get your users involved to provide their design input or images they would like as part of the report.
- Be Your Guest – put yourself in the user’s shoes and test drive your report. what questions would they want answered next? is it intuitive for someone of their skill level? does it look good on mobile? does the data flow in the right order?
Looking forward to being here soon! ⬇