Hey hey it’s time for a new acronym!
We talked earlier about the 5Es of change – Enlighten, Enlist, Enable, Energize, Elevate
Let’s go into Enable a little bit more… an HBR article notes that if you don’t apply what you learn, you’ll forget 75% of it after just 6 days! Which is why it’s not enough to conduct a training and assume that everyone is ready to take off. It’s possible that you’ll have a few people that only need a tiny spark to set them blasting off into space. However, most of us are like seeds that need lots of watering, sunlight, vitamins and all that good stuff to blossom and grow. Some us aren’t too keen on too much water and sunlight. To each their own. The point is to bring more success to change, we need our latest acronym SEED – which Copilot helped me come up with this time!
SOW – plant the ideas of what could be
ENRICHMENT – provide people with the right environment <- super important, many different types of people so a one-size fits all learning model is challenging
EDUCATION – show people how to use and adapt to the new tools continuously <- again, many learning styles which means trainers need to present materials in different ways
DEVELOPMENT – watch them blossom and grow over time
And you know what else helps plants grow and bear fruit? Other plants! We need to see and hear others do it as well. Peer pressure, cross-pollination, it’s quite the reinforcement. Or as Teenage Fanclub would say, Bandwagonesque.