Morph, Subtract, Text Highlight Colors, Closed Captions, Background Music

on 30 December 0 Comment

What’s the connection behind the title words? These are my favorite PowerPoint discoveries as of late. Such a geek yes.

MORPH – the easiest way to impress your viewers when you are using constant elements throughout your presentation. Use Morph to animate your transitions.
[Transitions – Morph – Apply to All]

SUBTRACT – who knew this feature existed, certainly not I! Sometimes when I have an image, I want to hide parts of it and would draw a white shape on top of it and group it. There is a better way. Rather than leaving the shape on top of the image –
1. Select the main image (order matters)
2. Then select the shape on top of the portion you want removed (Shift+Click)
3. Go to [Shape Format – Merge Shapes – Subtract] et voila!

The reason this is better is because that part is now transparent and there can be other layers beneath, and you can use it with text too!

TEXT HIGHLIGHT COLORS – I always thought I was limited for colors when highlighting text. Turns out if you select a custom color for any element (text, shape, outline) before going to Text Highlight Color, the custom color will show up as Recent Colors!

CLOSED CAPTIONS – Do you have a video embedded in your presentation? Let’s make it viewer-friendly and add closed captions. PowerPoint takes a format called Web VTT. One of the ways to generate this is to upload your video to your One Drive, open in Stream and then generate the transcript. Download the VTT format. In PowerPoint, right click on the video and Insert Captions. You can also edit the transcript by opening the VTT file in a text editor such as Notepad. And because it’s just a text file [file name.language abbr.vtt], you can also upload multiple files for different languages.

BACKGROUND MUSIC – Want to generate a video [Record – Export to Video] through PowerPoint? By using Animation and Transitions and your design creativity, you can generate some nice custom videos out of PowerPoint. Plus you can upload audio to play throughout. [Insert Audio – Playback – Play in Background]. This is also a way to play some hold music as people join your meeting or during breaks.

Want more ideas? Here are some peeps to follow –


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