(Just a little) Patience

on 31 July 0 Comment

Today’s post – Patience.

Hubby and I were discussing what we’ve learned about having kids, is that sometimes, a lot of times, almost all the time, we get derailed from one task as we need to tackle five other tasks thrown in by the offspring whilst attempting the original one.

Same with BI data, reports, and dashboards oh my.

I may have a little more appreciation now for the BI team pushing back on my request for a couple more fields to be integrated into the dataset.  How hard could it be?  (On the other hand, I was waiting for more than a year to even get to this point of response).  Seemingly straightforward requests are almost never that.  One possible reason to go sideways with this request – the field is from a different table not part of the current dataset, which leads to going to the next team to integrate this portion, who will push back because they don’t have this on their roadmap.

So just be patient with your teams.  Sometimes adding or modifying a field leads to a domino effect of unintended and usually unwanted consequences.  And on the flip side, err on the side of caution when agreeing to these changes because you will no doubt encounter these obstacles lobbed at you like kids with grenades.


all i need is a little patience


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